"Chickens today feathers tomorrow"

Artichoke Yink Press

States expressed

Author: C.K.Wilde
Edition: 1
Year: 1997

States Expressed is a single object book. It is the first in the 4U series of books. The first person to read it was Erica Harris, the second was Noah Hellerman Wilde( aged:19 months) who said "ooK!". All of the books will sport the modified( read indelicate) Daniel Kelm Binding, utilized on Henrik Drescher's copious Too Much Bliss. The elegant action of this binding cantilevers the tension evenly and smoothly through the entire spine when executed by Mr. Kelm; as it is, the publisher has made has made a valiant attempt to emulate this idea. The 4U books will all have Plexiglas covers, laminate pages, copper lintels, and waxed silk suture thread cornices. The material objects were harvested by Dylan Graham and I scouted the rife streets of New York, Santiago, Munich, Chicago, San Francisco, Etc. for the better part of nineteen ninety six in search of numbers. Numbers on the ephemera which surround us: Tickets, laundry claim stubs, auto park billets, money, cigarette packages, bills, receipts, etc.. When the cigar box donated by Hyatt ( the man from India who works at the corner store to bring his family here) was so full, the assistance of a winch had to be employed to keep it closed, I realized that action need be taken on starting the series called 4U. These icons and symbols are like ants caught in space age amber. This detritus is our frantic holographic image quantifying space and time or pretty little pieces of paper. In the terms of collage, this has reference to Kurt Schwitters but is brought into the realm of a reader mediated, sequential, structurally referential book. The paradox presented by the clear page strata embraces the time based, non-static, participatory nature of the book while thwarting the readers engagement of a single page spread. States Expressed does as all the first in series should do which is put another book between the press and ignorance, as well as be a pleasing object of interest and consideration. States Expressed is a single object book, the first in the 4U series. All of the books will sport the modified ( read indelicate) Daniel Kelm Binding, also utilized on Henrik Drescher's copious Too Much Bliss. The 4U books will have Plexiglas covers, laminate pages, copper lintels, and waxed silk suture thread cornices.

The series can be viewed at the New York Public Library- Spencer rare book collection and the Arents collection and the Metropolitain Museum of Art.

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