"A wildeness of mirrors"

Artichoke Yink Press

The Wheel of Knives

Author: Kurt Allerslev, Marshall Weber, C.K.Wilde
Edition: Unique
Year: 2005

"Wheel of knives in the wilderness of mirrors open your eyes and tell me how this all came to pass"

The Wheel of Knives is a classic Buddhist text that describes the Karmic repercussions of every selfish act. "The wilderness of mirrors" is the phrase American intelligence officers use for the world outside their safe houses.
Media: binding, map collage, C.K.Wilde, painting, Kurt Allerslev, Marshall Weber, cutting M. Weber, box by Damara Kaminecki and M. Weber Poem and Calligraphy: Marshall Weber

This book can be read at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.