Your Death
Author/s: Marshall Weber, K.Allerslev and C.K.Wilde
Edition: 1
Year: 2005
Price: SOLD
Your Death, which waits not in haste,
nor at languorous pace,
is as certain as stone.
Emptiness gives within us
all meaning nothing.
Contradicto mal dicto
lone solution saluting reflections
internal wraps eternal
great in implication
Resist singularity-
zero and one are pullpush paradox,
Branching fingers seek each other,
inching onward in the moist dark,
so small and deep, slow do they creep
rhizomes of gas and dust ignite the eons
strange blind gravity
building electric webs
of spanning
taut and bold
arcing the sky to ground
Arise, await,
turn one higher,
lack and sorrow will not go undone,
lift your face into the wind of fire,
fly attitude to speak of the ancient craft,
until all fuel
is spent with interest
on your mortgaged form
break and scatter and split and shatter
end time
in the company of the atoms
of your best friends,
no longer strangers.
This book in the collection of "Duke" Collier.